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ThePoultrySite.com Web Site Statistics

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ThePoultrySite Statistics

Below is a summary of the visitor statistics for ThePoultrySite.com for 2009. The key figures are as reported by the totally independent resource Google Analytics which uses a cookie based tracking system to measure traffic. This method excludes hits from robots and spiders.


From January 2009 to December 2009 ThePoultrySite received over 1.8 million visits and presented just short of 5.5 million pages. On average ThePoultrySite received 154,000 visits and presented 457,000 pages to over 103,000 visitors each month. In addition, ThePoultrySite has a very high level of industry loyalty.

Visitor Loyalty

Google Analytics reports that ThePoultrySite received a total of 1,239,737 unique visitors in 2009. The visitor loyalty figures show that 11.84% of 2009 traffic was from people who have visited the site 9 times or more. A total of 5.2% of traffic came from people who have visited the site over 50 times.

With this huge number of regular visitors coupled with thousands of pages of freely available industry information updated daily, ThePoultrySite offers the most comprehensive platform for the industry professional and advertiser alike.

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TABLE 1: Visitors & Page Views for 2009 from Google Analytics
Page Views
Unique Visitors
December 2009 130,525 368,854 97,237
November 2009 147,181 414,963 111,449
October 2009 160,710 471,407 122,311
September 2009 156,284 460,792 118,188
August 2009 159,387 490,289 120,006
July 2009 158,345 484,773 117,852
June 2009 159,618 483,450 118,566
May 2009 177,493 520,718 127,771
April 2009 161,685 471,168 121,991
March 2009 173,087 504,098 131,646
February 2009 139,389 422,140 104,928
January 2009 131,744 401,520 97,904
TOTALS FOR 2009 1,855,488 5,494,585 219,662
Google "Visitor Loyalty": (9 times or more)

Google Analytics Summary for ThePoultrySite for 2009

Visitor Breakdowns:

The following breakdowns come from three sets of data:
  1. Registered users (own data),
  2. Newsletter subscribers (own data)
  3. Geographical data (own data plus Google Analytics).
As of March 2008 the registered users database included over 31,000 entries and ThePoultrySite's free weekly newsletter was sent out to over 19,000 subscribers. The site's visitor and page view numbers are shown above.

The breakdown is as follows:

By Geographical Region (as at March 2009)

TABLE 2: Geographic Breakdown from Google Analytics
Region Newsletter Registration Site Visitors Average
North America 19% 27% 29% 25%
Europe 19% 19% 38% 25%
Asia 30% 26% 20% 25%
Middle East/Africa 25% 22% 5% 17%
Latin America 4% 3% 4% 4%
Oceania/Pacific 3% 3% 4% 3%

By Occupation (as at March 2009)

TABLE 3: Occupational Breakdown
Occupation Newsletter Registration Average
Poultry/Egg Production 35% 31% 33%
Veterinary/Poultry Health 17% 15% 16%
Breeding and Genetics 5% 6% 6%
Industry Consultant 4% 4% 4%
Feed/Nutrition 4% 4% 4%
Food Industry/Processing 6% 7% 7%
Education/Student 6% 7% 6%
Government/Research/Extension 2% 3% 2%
Other/Allied Industries 21% 23% 22%

By Position (as at March 2009)

TABLE 4: Position Breakdown
Position Newsletter Registration Average
Management 45% 41% 43%
General 26% 32% 29%
Technical 22% 20% 21%
Sales 7% 7% 7%

Who's Online?

Compilation of statistics

The statistics in table 1 and the "Site visitors" column in table 2, are extracted from Google Analytics, which is a totally independent source. The remaining figures covering the newsletter and registration are extracted from our own database and reflect the data that was entered when the entry was created. The geographical and registration data is relatively static and is updated on an ad hoc basis. The main statistics are updated monthly.


