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The elements of success.
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Welcome to Meyn
Meyn is the reliable and committed partner of renowned poultry processing companies in over 90 countries worldwide. With people that have the right professional skills to offer you both flexibility and innovation. With local representation in many places around the globe.

Dedicated to poultry processing for more than 45 years

With relentless drive to help you to improve your performance by offering you intelligent and situation-specific solutions. And with all the knowledge, equipment, systems and services that can be critical for your success.

The elements of success

Broiler processing

Meyn is widely recognised for its ability to support its customers in their ambitions for higher capacity and increased yield and efficiency.

Our equipment has proven to maintain its high level performance under a wide variety of line speeds and bird sizes, allowing our customers to achieve top level productivity with an absolute minimum of labour.

Our solutions cover every step in poultry processing:

Turkey processing

The market for special poultry is expanding rapidly. In particular the consumption of turkey meat products is growing faster than any kind of meat. Worldwide the consumption of turkey meat has been doubled over the last ten years. The consumption of turkey meat is concentrated in five countries, where 85% of the total production is consumed. With more than 50% the USA is the leading consumer, followed by France, Italy, Great Britain and Germany.

Broiler and turkey processing are in many ways similar, but the larger size and weight of turkeys places much greater demands upon the system, requiring overall heavier duty engineering and build quality. Meyn turkey processing systems have been especially designed and engineerd for this task and not simply adapted from lighter poultry processing equipment.

Click below for more specified information about turkey processing.



WVEPAH - World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health