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ThePoultrySite Quick Disease Guide

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Contents of Quick Disease Guide

Bedbug Infestation

Extracted From:
A Pocket Guide to
Poultry Health
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By Paul McMullin
© 2004
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Order Your Copy


A condition of poultry, pigeons (and mammals) caused by infestation with the external parasite Cimex lectularius. The parasites are up to 5 mm long and feed at night. It occurs mainly in subtropical and some temperate areas. Adult parasites can survive for 1?12 months in the environment without feeding. Eggs laid by the adult parasites hatch in 4?20 days, there are five nymphal stages each of which feed on birds. Growth to adult parasite takes 1?3 months, depending on temperature.


  • Lack of thrift.
  • Anaemia.
  • Reduced production when infestation is serious.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Anaemia.


Identification of the parasite. Differentiate from other blood?sucking parasites.


Appropriate insecticide treatment of the environment, in particular the cracks and crevices where the parasites hide during the daytime.


Thorough treatment of the empty building at turn-around with an appropriate insecticide. Fumigation is also helpful.

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