CID LINES has been focusing on innovative hygiene solutions for more than 15 years. We manufacture cleaning agents and disinfectants for the agricultural production (such as dairy, sheep, pig and poultry production), for the transport industries (carwash and truck wash) and for food processing. In our professional laboratories, specialised chemists and engineers work on the development and continuous improvement of formulations and processes. The most stringent quality standards (ISO 9001:2000 and GMP-Pharma) are being followed in production and quality assurance. CID LINES is exporting to more than 70 countries in 5 continents. This worldwide recognition is also a guarantee for quality and return.
Purity should be treasured!
For every farmer whether it is a poultry, pig or dairy farmer, we supply high quality products. Hygiene on the farm is of great importance when preventing diseases. There for we have come up with an elaborate range of chemicals helping you to improve your production.
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Innovative Hygiene Solutions